Mortal Kombat (2021)
david’s full review
SYNOPSIS: Mortal Kombat returns with familiar characters in this reboot of the classic video game and 1995 movie. A younger MMA fighter, Cole Young, is tracked down by Earthrelm’s most deadliest fighters (called champions) who come together to defend Earthrelm from the Outworld champions. Earthrelm’s champions must discover their secret superpowers to have a chance against the Outworld champions, but they need the help of a familiar face - Lord Raiden.
RATED: R | Some Crude References, Language Throughout, Strong Bloody Violence
AGENDAS: None to report other than a demonic feel to the movie. But you had to expect that given the history of the Mortal Kombat franchise. The gory scenes were VERY GRAPHIC - wouldn’t recommend bring kids under 17 to this.
NUDITY/SEXUAL CONTENT: No nudity, but some sexual and crude language.
OFA REVIEW: Save this one for Redbox. If you’re a lifelong fan and grew up loving the Mortal Kombat franchise, you’ll enjoy the nostalgia of seeing your favorite characters back on the big screen. However, it was hard not to cringe at times throughout the movie with the poor, cheesy acting and subpar CGI. The acting and lazy writing becomes very distracting and noticeable. Although MK fanboys might enjoy the movie, regular movie-goers might not (don’t bring your wife to this, lol). With the high standards for superhero movies these days, this Mortal Kombat installment just doesn’t live up to its trailer’s hype and certainly doesn’t take the franchise to the next level.