The Barbie Movie ❌6/10
Official Trailer
RT SYNOPSIS: To live in Barbie Land is to be a perfect being in a perfect place. Unless you have a full-on existential crisis. Or you're a Ken.
RATED: PG-13 | Suggestive References, Brief Language
AGENDAS/PROPAGANDA: Makes men look shallow/toxic. Pumps female audience full of feminist pride while telling women they are the real victims in the world. Some strong sexual references and jokes.
NUDITY/SEXUAL CONTENT: No nudity, but many sexual references. Kens talk about “beaching each other off.”
DAVID’S REVIEW: Agendas aside, Barbie was original, funny and well acted by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling (Ken) who were hilarious.
It’s a shame the movie was injected with so much left-wing, toxic, feminist ideology. The movie looks down on traditional women who love being moms and love being a stay at home wife. It calls on girls to look at themselves as victims. Highly suggest not bringing younger girls to this. The propaganda was strong with this one.