INSANITY: Oregon’s Largest Teachers’ Union Says Minors Should Receive Abortions/Gender Altering Care WITHOUT Parental Consent
SALEM, OREGON — The Oregon Education Association — the state’s largest teacher’s union — has a history of using its money to push political agendas that have nothing to do with the wages, benefits or working conditions of its members. You’ve probably heard of Oregon House Bill 2002. Given its history of political agendas, the OEA has reached a new low in its latest support for HB 2002, or the “Reproductive Health and Gender Affirming Care Act,” as its referred to by its authors. HB 2002 would:
allow children, of any age, to receive an abortion without parental consent;
use taxpayer dollars to provide abortion pills at all public universities and community colleges throughout Oregon; and,
use taxpayer dollars to fund gender affirming, physiologically altering procedures for minors 15 and older without parental consent
On March 20, OEA’s government relations consultant, Michelle Ruffin, submitted a letter to the Oregon House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care pledging support for Oregon House Bill 2002. Ruffin wrote:
“As a union with a membership in the profession of education that is dominated by women, we know that access to one’s own medical decisions and bodily autonomy is paramount as we ensure access to healthcare in this state. We believe that the full range of reproductive, sexual and gender-affirming health care is a right for all Oregonians and not a privilege that should only be afforded to a few.”
See full statement HERE.
What you won’t find in Ruffin’s statement is any mention of the OEA polling its members on HB 2002. Because they didn’t.
Teachers unions, like the OEA, raise millions of dollars annually mostly from the monthly dues of its members. These unions, and their dollars, are often weaponized politically and usually towards one side of the aisle as you’re seeing here with their support of HB 2002.
So, how do we fight back against these multi-million dollar unions that are hurting our kids?
In 2018 a US Supreme Court decision, Janus v. AFSCME, 2018, freed millions of teachers and other public employees from being required to pay union dues. This gave union members the option to “opt out” of their respective unions.
If you’re a union member or know someone who is, you have the legal right to opt-out of these unions and stop its flow of money to bills like HB 2002.
If you’d like to send a message to these unions, share this article and help stop the flow of money to these unions.
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