All-girls Catholic College Will Allow Men, Who IDENTIFY As Women, Enroll

Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana

NOTRE DAME, IN — Saint Mary’s College, in Notre Dame Indiana, will make changes to its admissions policy by allowing transgender students to enroll for the first time in its 179 years of existence. Sign petition here

The President of Saint Mary’s College, Katie Conboy, sent out an email stating, “We are by no means the first Catholic women’s college to adopt a policy with this scope. In drafting the language for this update, I have relied on the guidance of the executive team and others to ensure that our message is not only in line with best practices for today’s college students but that it also encompasses our commitment to operate as a Catholic women’s college.”

The local Bishop, Kevin Rhoades - the Diocese of Fort-Worth South Bend, has urged the school to reverse its decision, “I urge the Board of Trustees of Saint Mary’s College to correct its admissions policy in fidelity to the Catholic identity and mission it is charged to protect and to reject ideologies of gender that contradict the authoritative teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the human person, sex and gender” he said.

The school will begin its bow to the pressure of the world starting in 2024.

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